Mac Data Recovery
Data Recovery Services For Your Mac.
Available Nationwide.
If your computer gets a folder with a flashing question mark, or the Apple logo comes up but the spinning wheel just spins and spins and your computer never starts, or if the computer boots a circle with a line through it (popularly referred to as a no-smoking sign), your drive may require data recovery!

Flashing Question Mark
We provide data recovery services to Mac laptops and desktops that have the flashing folder with the question mark on the screen at startup. This symbol means the computer can’t find an operating system to start up off of, so either the OS is corrupt on your hard drive (software fix), or your hard drive has failed (possible physical issue).

Blank White Screen
If you turn your Mac on and all you get is a blank white screen, it may mean your hard drive is failing or has failed. Normally if the computer can’t access an Operating System on your drive, it will display a flashing folder with a question mark… sometimes, however, instead of displaying the flashing question mark, it endlessly seeks the drive that is not responding properly trying to find the OS, causing the computers monitor to stay a solid white.

Spinning Beach Ball
Sometimes a sign of a failing drive is if you get the spinning beach ball constantly. The spinning beach ball comes up on a Mac computer when the Mac is waiting for a process to complete. If a drive is failing, it can take a lot longer to access certain information off the drive, causing the spinning beach ball to come up. There are other reasons to get a spinning beach ball as well, and at EliteMacTechs we are pros at figuring out what is causing the hold up!

Stalled Startup With Big Progress Bar
When you turn the computer on and instead of the regular thin progress bar you get a larger progress bar that takes forever to complete, which can be a sign that there is corruption that is not being repaired on your drive. While this issue doesn’t necessarily mean that your drive is failing, it could be the underlying cause of the corruption, and it is better to be safe than sorry and bring it in for our free diagnosis.

Endlessly Spinning Cog During Startup
Another symptom that can be caused by a failing drive is that the computer instead of booting up normally will just continue to have a spinning cog endlessly. All these symptoms don’t necessarily mean you have a failing drive, but they can! So bring it into us for our free diagnosis so we can narrow down what is causing the issue for certain.

Programs freeze constantly
Do you have a couple of programs that cause the computer to freeze for long periods of time or cause the computer to stop responding completely? These types of software issues can be caused by a failing drive (among other things). We can diagnose the issue for free and let you know all your options.

Mac Turns Off During Startup
When you turn your computer on and the computer gets through a certain amount of starting up, then shuts off, it could be a sign that your drive is failing. This normally occurs when there is corruption on the drive that the computer is trying to fix during the startup process, but when it can’t repair the corruption the computer shuts off completely. Bring your computer in for our free diagnosis so we can be sure what the issue is!
Data Recovery Pricing
No data, no charge! You only pay if we get your data back (except for deleted file recovery). We use software and hardware-based methods for getting your data back. A successful recovery is considered 99% of the hard drive, or if we get less than 99% we will let you know what we were able to get back and you can decide if it is worth the recovery total or not.
Deleted File Recovery
Paid Up Front
2 Day Turnaround
No Guarantee What Will Be Recovered
Nationwide Service
Standard Recovery
Only Pay If Successful
3-5 Day Turnaround
File Listing Provided After Recovery
Nationwide Service
iPhone Recovery
Only Pay If Successful
2 Week Turnaround
File Listing Provided After Recovery
Nationwide Service
Free Quote
Get a free quote for your recovery
We will get back to you right away about the chances for our success with your drive as well as the instructions for getting the drive into us. We usually answer these form requests within an hour if they are submitted during regular business hours.
Clean Room Data Recovery
Be aware that taking your drive to an inexperienced data recovery technician can harm your chances of getting your data back if a more expensive service is required. We understand the intricacies of data recovery and will take care to not cause further harm to your drive during our attempt.

Yellow Brick Data Recovery Partner
If you need clean room data recovery, I will recommend Aaron at Yellow Brick Data Recovery! I am not able to recover drives that need a clean room while he offers clean room recovery for computers and External hard drives Nationwide from his Kansas-based shop. He offers simple-to-understand pricing and doesn’t charge anything unless his recovery is successful.